Paint it black

If you haven’t seen her artwork before, now is your chance. On the 28th of April she’ll be showing her beautiful paintings at the Karmøygedon Kick Off. It will all take place at Ovenpaa in Kopervik. In the meantime you can get to know a little more about the artist and her art here.
Name: Paula J. Vikøren
Age: 40
From: Skudeneshavn
Works as: Live-in carer for children
1. How did your interest for painting come about?
- I've loved drawing and painting for as long as I can remember. My grandma and mum used to draw a lot with me when I was a little girl.
2. What led you to your particular style?
- It might not come as a shock, but I like the dark/black style and started painting pictures to put up on my own wall. Another reason I'm painting this way is that I suck at painting hair.
3. Why did you decide to focus on portraits of awesome rock’n’rollers?
- I guess because it goes with my style of painting. I'm not a "light-pink-watercolour" kind of person.
Friends saw the paintings I created of my favourite rock'n'rollers, and wanted me to paint their heroes too.
4. Who is your favourite musician to paint and why?
- I really LOVE painting Peter Steele, he's got such a characteristic face, and I love Type O Negative.
(And Lemmy, it's easy to see it's Lemmy)
5. How do you prefer to work when you paint?
- Late at night, surrounded by candlelight and great music.
6. What are your thoughts on putting up a show at Karmøygeddon’s kick off 2018?
- I really appreciated it last year when Johnny asked me to do it, but my answer was "no" at first because I was shy. I'm glad I changed my mind and grateful to be asked again this year.
7. Have you ever seen an artist at Karmøygeddon and thought; ”I have got to paint him/her?”
- Snowy Shaw... but I haven’t done it yet.
8. Finally, what bands are you looking forward to seeing at the 15th edition of Karmøygeddon Metal Festival?
- Enslaved, Rotting Christ, Drakar and Nifelheim
Check out more of Paula's artwork here