Meet the Regulars #8

Name: John Espen Sagstad Age: 36 From: Kopervik When I'm not headbanging at Karmøygeddon, I'm headbanging in Oslo. 1. When was the first time you visited Karmøygeddon and how many times have you participated ever since? My first time at Karmøygeddon was the first Karmøygeddon at "kaien" in Kopervik back in 2004. I missed a couple of Karmøygeddon festivals while you guys were situated in Haugesund (the travel to Haugesund is pretty long and rough for us Kopervikinger). I have probably attended 7 or 8 times? 2. Describe what Karmøygeddon is to you: To me Karmøygeddon is a fantastic festival, probably one of the best! I have been fortunate enough to be able to travel to numerous festivals around the world but it's always special to come home to Karmøygeddon. I am beyond impressed what Johnny Angelund and co has managed to create with Karmøygeddon. 3. What is your best Karmøygeddon memory? I would probably have to say the two times I have been able to play there myself. First time with TrollfesT in 2013 and Metal Militia in 2018. The crowd at Karmøygeddon is incredible and insanely loud! But I also have to mention seeing Finntroll and Katatonia playing in my hometown was something I never thought would ever happen. 4. What is your favourite metal genre and why? I don't have one favorite metal genre, it all depends on my mood. My “go to”-genres are usually Folk Metal, Black Metal, Death Metal, Thrash Metal or Aqua 5. What would be the ultimate band to play at Karmøygeddon - yes, you can pick ANY band you like, both split/dead/non-existing/existing! Metallica. I can die a happy man after seeing Metallica at Karmøygeddon! 6. What band(s) do you look forward seeing at next year's festival? Wintersun, Tyr, Dimmu Borgir, Decapitated and Audrey Horne.
Photo by: Eirik Folkedal